16 February 2009

Coming off of Hiatus and Training

Fine, so it's been a while. Why haven't I been writing anything, especially after Chewbecca told me to write every day?

I'm not sure. I've not felt overly inspired by anything...and I'm honestly really tired of politics. People at Lee College used to tell me I -love- politics and talking about it and arguing about it. They never grokked that I actually hate politics and the political process but think that it's important to be an informed citizen. I know, crazy, right?

Well, whatever. I don't have to write about politics. I can write about whatever I want, because this is never going to be a giant everyone reads it with an influence rating from Technorati. Because I'm pretty sure that only my mom reads. Hi, Mom!

In late December, I think, I took the notion to compete in a triathlon and immediately began my Amber-like tendency to overresearch things. That's probably actually part of why we are so compatible. Because we are both INSANE about researching things. <3

I subscribed to Bicycling Magazine, and now to Triathlete, and began reading on the internet everything I could find about doing multisport. The first thing I found out is that there are age groups, which means that I am not competing against everyone and their mother, but merely women between the ages of 25 and 29. This appeals to my inner statistician who would prefer to think of things via odds: now, rather than having to beat a couple of hundred people, I have to beat about fifty, because, for some blessed reason, the 25-29 age group is consistently the smallest (until you get into the forties). Sweet. I can beat forty chicks. Or at least twenty of them.

Cheered by this newfound knowledge, I looked for events in the Austin area. Lo and behold, there is the Texas Tri Series: five events, three of which are in Austin and two in New Braunfels. They start out short (the first, on 11 May, is a 300 meter swim, 11.1 mile bike and a 2 mile run) and get progressively longer, culminating in the Longhorn half-Ironman (also known as a 70.3, for how many miles you cover). I thought to myself, I can do that. And so I signed up for all five events, plus the Capital of Texas Triathlon at the end of May.

And then I thought to myself, Oh Lord, what have I done?

Part two later today or tomorrow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is me, not being your mother, reading this. ;)

9:03 AM  

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